
Hello my little buttons!

Here on online beauty community there’s nothing better than a little bit of YouTube gossip, and have I got something juicy for u.

If you haven’t been living in a cave for the past few weeks I’m sure you’ll have heard about Jeffree stars recent Snapchat about Kylie Jenner and her lip glosses. In the Snapchat Jeffree Star was demonstrating how the Lipgloss wands almost fan out even though they’re brand new, he then went on to describe the product is “janky” and said Kylie Jenner “half-assed” it. He also said “no offence to her but these a f*cking garbage” before dramatically throwing them in the bin. This created huge drama with many others agreeing about the poor quality of the Lipgloss wand, bearing in mind they cost £18 it’s really not exceptible. At the same time wow that’s throwing huge shade Kylies way and I’m sure the snap chat effected the sales of the Lipgloss as Jeffree star is huge in the online beauty community and people really value his opinion.

Recently a relatively small YouTuber called rockyroadkill made a video called “Jeffree star cosmetic skinfrost DISASTER” in the video he explained how on the day of the skin frost highlighter pre-release at dragcon he drove for 3 hours then waited in line for the highlighter in the shade King Tut. He then goes on to say how he opened the highlight to look at himself in the mirror when the pan of product “fell out and f*cking broke” he’s “not mad at the company” and tried patching it up himself then attempted to review the highlighter but you could really tell the excitement had gone for him. He still said “these highlights are everything” and went on to talk about how Jeffree is “a thousand times prettier in real life” and how he was going to email the company as he was not mad at Jeffree or Jeffree Star cosmetics he simply wanted a new one. I think his video was fully justified, you could you tell how much he adored Jeffree and his products but was just disappointed in what has transpiered after purchasing the highlight.

This is where it gets good, Jeffree leaves a comment on rockyroadkills video which he deleted swiftly after.


*shocked face* I then re read it…*shocked face* again! I was pretty much speechless to be honest which is a rarity for me. Rockyroadkill was being honest about the product, he was actually really nice about the whole thing, he could of easily made a video ranting and raving but he didn’t.

Don’t get me wrong I LOVE Jeffree star, I watch his channel and have heard many good things about his cosmetics…. But in this sinario I thinks he’s wrong. Sorry Jeffree don’t hate me! You can’t give out huge criticisms of other people’s products and not take critism back, nothing is ever perfect amd things do go wrong, it’s life. Maybe he lashed out in anger and once calmed down deleted the comment? Although it’s been deleted it seems many people screen shotted the pic and it was easy for me to find after a quick Google search.

What do you think? Was Jeffree being a hypocrite or do you agree with his comment? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

Becca xxx

5 thoughts on “JEFFREE STARS A HYPOCRITE?!?!

  1. I do think it is slightly hypocritical, but if the YouTuber who made the video just contacted customer service it would have been replaced & he could’ve given his full review without a broken product! Either way this is a great topic, probably a lot of different opinions on this (:

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